Advertising in the Meristem

The following are the rates and pertinent information needed to plan an advertising campaign in the North Dakota Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscape Association e-newsletter – the Meristem. You can advertise in a single issue or all four.


Ad Space Available                Size in Inches                             Yearly Rates                              Single Issue Rate

(Ad copy size)                         (Width x Height)                          (four issues)                                (one issue only)

                                                                                              Black & White     Color                  Black & White     Color


Full Page                 7.5” x  10”              $250    $350                 $100     $150



Half Page                                   7.5” x  4.875”                        $175           $250                                 $75             $100


                                                   3.625” x  10”


Quarter Page                            3.625” x  4.875”                     $125          $175                                  $50             $75


Eighth Page                              3.625” x 2.315”                        $75           $125                                 $30             $50

(Business Card Size)


Specifications: Circulation: 300 copies.  Size of publication: 8.5” x 11”.  Ads printed in black or color.  Publication dates: March/April, June/July, September/October, and December/January.  Ad copy due to NDNGLA by March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.



To place an ad, renew an existing ad, or request further information, please contact:


                      North Dakota Nursery, Greenhouse, & Landscape Association

                   P.O. Box 1064

                   Fargo, ND  58107-1064

                   Phone: 701-886-7673,  

